Understanding the 5 Big Personality Traits

Understanding the 5 Big Personality Traits

Researchers have spent many years analyzing people’s behaviours and have come up with 5 broad personality traits to help us understand ourselves more clearly.

The Big Five Personality Traits aim is to capture the essence of human behavior. Each of the five traits play a significant role in shaping how we see the world around us.

With extensive research in this field this model has now become the most recognizable approach to describing and measuring a persons characteristics, strengths and vulnerabilities,

These 5 traits can be a useful tool to help you understand yourself more easily. So lets go through each one and see which best resonates with you.

With extensive research in this field this model has now become the most recognizable approach to describing and measuring a persons characteristics, strengths and vulnerabilities,

These 5 traits can be a useful tool to help you understand yourself more easily.

So lets go through each one and see which best resonates with you.


People with openness to experience as their more dominate trait, tend to be imaginative, adventurous and very creative people. They are often drawn to hobbies and interests that are expansive and encourage personal growth. Spirituality, writing or any of the arts are often things they enjoy

These adventurous spirits often enjoy travel, because of there innate love for new experiences and their curiosity towards different cultures
Those with a high level of openness to experience generally holds more importance to experiences
than to possessions, this can make the idea of camper van life very appealing to them.

People with a high level of openness to experiences can also be risk takers, thriving on new experiences to help them feel more alive.

At the extreme end of this trait they can become adrenaline junkies and can take unnecessary risks, just for the thrill it.

One of the downfalls of this personality trait the at their consistent need for new experiences can mean settling down or staying committed to anything long term can be challenging.


People with a high level of conscientiousness thrive on being organized. They are very responsible and stable people, that others often depend on.

They have excellent planning skills and a natural eye for detail. They thrive on routine and enjoy structure in their life both personally and professionally.

They can in some regards be at the opposite spectrum of openness to experiences because they strive more on stability, order, and routine rather than the constant need for change.

People with high levels of this trait enjoy setting goals and reaching them.

If you a have a difficult job that needs to be done well you can rely on someone with high conscientiousness to get the job done.

At the extreme end of this trait their conscientiousness and need for order can make them appear quite serious and inflexible, and because part of their strength is their attention to detail they are naturally fault finders.

If not careful they their need for perfectionism can place too much pressure on themselves and those around them. It can be difficult to require perfection in an imperfect world for those high in conscientiousness.


People with high traits in extraversion feel energized around people. They love socializing in all forms.

They are able to party all night and show up to work still feeling ok. Because of their love for attention these people love to hoist parties, in fact gathering people together for any occasion is naturally their thing.

Professionally people high in this trait love networking and engaging with people from all walks of life.

They tend to be natural communicators and often passionate about sharing their own ideas, because of this they tend to be drawn to leadership roles such as CEO’s , teachers, trainers, politicians.
Everyone in high profile positions tend to be high in extraversion.

One of the down falls of being high in extraversion trait is the need for constant interactions with others so too much time spent alone or in Isolation can easily lead to feeling down.

Another issues that can raise for people at the extreme end of this trait is the constant need for recognition and valuation outside of themselves, this can push them to always want to be the
centre of attention. This can become an issue in relationships if they only focus on their own needs and overlook those around them.


People with a high level of agreeableness value harmony in all their relationships, they tend to be peace makers and have a deep level of empathy for others.

They can make excellent counsellors, nurses or any profession that involves care giving or working within a team environment.

The down fall for people extremely high in this trait is that they can be too sensitive to other needs and this may cause them to neglect their own needs both in their professional and personal lives.

Always wanting to avoid conflict can mean saying no is virtually impossible for some.

This can lead to overwhelm and burn out by mattering themselves if they don’t learn ways to set good boundaries.


People with a high level of neuroticism are the most highly sensitive of all 5 personality types.

Those with high levels of this trait are more typically prone to mood swings.
They tent to be worriers and anxiety because they experience their own feelings and emotions more intensely than others.

Learning to develop more stability and resilience for this personality trait is important for their mental well being.

So now that you have a bit of Understanding of big Five personalities

You might want to look deeper into which of the 5 personality traits are closer to your own.

By learning to understand and embrace your strengths and vulnerabilities you a likely to make better choices in both your professional and personal lives.

If you feel that your dominate trait is impacting you in a negative way, integrated therapy which combines both counselling and hypnotherapy is an effective way to help you understand yourself more easily and make those changes that you want to make life easier for you.

Contact me today at admin@theheartofthematter.com.au to organise appointment and let me help bring out the best in you.