Energy Healing Session

Energy Healing Session

Do something for yourself.….

How has your energy been lately?

Do you feel like you need some balancing?


One session can leave your feeling balanced, calm and revitalized….

What is Energy Healing?

It is a holistic system for balancing, that balances the energy of a person to prompt self healing and a harmonizing of the mind, body and soul

Spiritual or energy healing assists the body and mind to be restored to its natural state of balance.

Spiritual Healing allows a person to release emotional ties to others that they could not otherwise let go of.

Spiritual Healing allows the mind to relax and any extreme emotional thoughts and feelings to become more balanced and neutralized.


When the energy is cleared and balanced, a person can feel experience many benefits, some of those can be:

  • More Energy
  • A clearer mind
  • Feeling calm and relaxed
  • Less negative thoughts & feelings
  • A feeling of well being

You will leave the session feeling calm and relaxed and in a better state of mind to carry into the rest of your day….

To book a spiritual healing session with Donna call on 0424 300 678 

Enjoy this Energy Balancing Chant