Treatment for Trauma and Abuse

Treatment for Trauma and Abuse


Watch the video to see what you can expect from treatment for your trauma

Trauma is more common than you might realise

Trauma itself occurs as a result of shocking or violent experiences such as physical, psychological, emotional abuse and sexual assault. It can also occur through severe childhood neglect or as a result of a sudden loss of a loved one or a pet.

Trauma is a universal experience that has no boundaries and can affect anyone regardless of age, gender, socioeconomic standards, ethnicity, geography or sexual orientation.

Natural disasters and experiencing war can also cause emotional trauma that lives on within the person well after the events are over.

What Creates the Trauma Response?

Everyone will experience trauma in their own way, but the trauma response within everyone will result from the unaddressed emotionally charged experiences that become deeply imbedded and trapped within the persons psyche.

This means the person will continue to feel as if they are reliving the trauma over and over again, well after the traumatic experiences as ended.

Health Issues from Trauma

According to Dr Gabor Mate’ a world leading expert in childhood trauma and addiction says a person will shut down emotionally when they have experienced on going trauma.

Mate’ says that the trauma response not only impacts a persons mental health, but it can also lead to long term health issues such as autoimmune disorders, as well as other serious health issues like cancers later in life.

Distraction from Trauma

The depth of pain inside a person from trauma can permeate through their mind, body and spirit.

The pain from the residual trauma can be so difficult for some people that they will do anything to distract themselves from the suffering.

Addictive behaviours are one of the most common ways that people deal with the pain from the past trauma. Drug, alcohol, food, shopping, gambling and sex are typical self destructive patterns that people use as a way to distract themselves from what’s going on inside.

Mental Health Issues

Anxiety, depression and panic attacks can all be signs of unconscious trauma response.

Low self esteem, lacking self worth, not feeling good enough or lovable and a general feeling of hopelessness can also be a result trauma.

The inability to set healthy boundaries and recognize a persons own needs or express them in healthy way are another result from ongoing trauma from childhood.

An inability to connect or commit to intimate relationships or a feeling of restlessness or general dissatisfaction within relationships, can also be a result of the abuse a person has experienced from those primary carer’s in life.

The experiences of on going high levels of stress in childhood creates a sense of disease within the mind, body and spirit of the person.

Healing from the trauma

As an integration therapist I have a many ways to assist you to feel a sense of relief from your trauma response.

I use a client focused approach that is centred around what you will need to begin the process of healing from whatever trauma you have experienced.

I understand that part of healing means to feel safe, so I will do my best to ensure you feel safe as we work together.

Coming to terms with your experiences and releasing the past is part of the healing process.

Trauma has a insidious way of seeping into ever part of the persons psyche, so that’s why when I work with you, we will consider treatment from a holistic point of view – body, mind, spirit.

By using the integration of methods such as EMDR and hypnotherapy you can return to a sense of true wholeness – healing the inner child, reclaiming power and releasing the inner turmoil is what we can do as we work together to free you from your past.

Your past does not have to limit or confine you. With understanding, acceptance and compassion those experiences can create more for you and allow you to grow.

Do you need to heal from your past trauma?

If you need support and help to heal your past trauma then you have landed on the right page.

Don’t let someone else’s behaviour define who you are or your potential in life.

You deserve peace of mind and brighter future no matter what your past has told you.

I’m here to help you so please call or text me on 0424300678 to make an appointment.

Lets work together so you can have a better quality of life.

You deserve it.

NDIS Approved Clinician – Conditions do apply so please contact me on 0424 300 678 to discuss.