FAQ – Hypnotherapy

FAQ – Hypnotherapy

What happens during hypnotherapy?
Donna is a clinical hypnotherapist and uses proven techniques to assist her clients to move into the altered consciousness state of hypnosis.  While in this state the person has the ability to access the subconscious mind. The subconscious mind is where we store all of our thoughts, feelings, beliefs and memories.

Once in hypnosis Donna will use clinically proven psychological and spiritual techniques to assist the client to create neurological changes within the brain.  This allows the person to begin the process of change more easily.

What does hypnosis feel like?

There are many myths around what hypnosis feels like. Often the person assumes it will be a quick fix and expects to fall asleep during the process and awaken when all the changes have occurred, without them knowing.

This is the opposite of what actually happens under hypnosis.  The state of hypnosis is actually a heightened state of internal awareness.  This means that the person becomes more attuned or connected with their emotions, feelings, physical sensations and memories during hypnosis.

Although some people have described the feeling similar to daydreaming, you will not be asleep during the process.  Some people  feel as if their  mind has drifted off somewhere else during the process, but it is important to recognize this is not a sleep state. This sensation does not happen to everyone that experiences hypnosis, in fact the experience of hypnosis is unique for everyone and it will vary depending on the specific techniques  used during each session.

Will I still know where I am?

It is important to understand that although you will be in a heightened state of internal awareness, you will still be aware of my voice throughout the entire experience.  The process involves you following along as I guide you safely into the therapeutic healing process of hypnotherapy.

Is hypnosis a quick fix for my issues?

Although hypnotherapy assists the person reach the deep seated issues within the subconscious mind that are holding them back from reaching their full potential, the process of change still takes time and is the ultimately the responsibility of the client.

When anyone engages in hypnotherapy it is important for them to have a realistic expectation and be open to implementing changes in their life in between the hypnotherapy sessions.

How many sessions should I expect before I change?

Dr Milton Erickson, one of America’s founding hypnotherapist described the process as ” free period in which an individual can flourish”.  You will have the ability to tap into your full potential during hypnosis and find you own path towards really acceptance and motivation to move towards the positive changes you want in your life.

The process of change is unique for everyone and depending on what the person needs to change may not be a straight forward path to the change they want. 

For long term change to take place it does requires that the person is commitment to apply the changed that has been suggested during the session in their day to day life.

Are abilities enhanced during hypnosis?

Yes these are:

  • The ability to imagine
  • The ability to connect to your true self
  • The ability to remember
  • The ability to be creative
  • The ability to meet spirit guides and angels

When I am hypnotized am I unconscious ?

No. As previously mentioned you are in a heightened state of internal awareness not asleep under hypnosis. Through this safe and healing process you will gain a greater understanding of yourself and discover things about your self you never new.t

Is it dangerous mind control?

Hypnotherapy with Donna is very safe, with years of experience behind her your can trust the process is aimed to bring about the most positive changes for the person.

All hypnosis is self hypnosis, you will only accept suggestions that agree with your own value system.  You will gain more control of yourself through the process of hypnotherapy rather than less, and ultimately brings out the best in yourself.

Why should I choose Donna Kovacs as my hypnotherapist?

I am a fully qualified hypnotherapist and qualified counsellor and spiritual teacher.  I have assisted hundreds of clients to heal their past and move forward in their lives in the way they want.

I have deep respect for all my clients no matter what their issues are I will always work in the best interest of my clients and assist them to reach the goals they set for themselves each time we meet.

Call to make an appointment today 0424 300 678