Quit Smoking

Quit Smoking


You really don’t need me to remind you how bad smoking is for you !


Every smoker has considered a thousand times or more, all the reasons they need to quit smoking

Why is it those reasons are just not enough to stop you from buying that next packet and lighting up ?

Its all in the subconscious !


As a clinical hypnotherapist and counsellor

I understand habits better than other health professionals

That’s why I can help !


Smokers no more choose to smoke than a drinker choose to become an alcoholic


It’s true you chose to light up the first experimental cigarette,

but after that your subconscious mind decided to become a smoker

Be honest with yourself

Did you decide to depend on them is the way you do today ?

I know your here on this page because there is a part of you that is ready to quit

and you need help !


Break the habit today

I’m sure you have made a lot of excuses 

but have you just needed some help instead !


Do yourself a favour, don’t wait to the urge to quit passes again !

Ask yourself are you ready ?

Then call Donna today on 0424 300 678


I look forward to helping you live and look better today!



Professional therapy in the comfort of your own home.

Hi let me ask you a question have you been thinking of giving up for a long time, but haven’t yet found the way to do it long term or at all.

What if there was a way for you to quit without pressure. A way to quit without just relying on will power alone.

What if you did worrying about gaining weight or not coping without them

What if you could do all it in the privacy of your own home without the added pressure and exceptions from others.

What if you knew others that had used hypnotherapy to quit but you just didn’t want to come into the centre.

This online program will take you through all the steps you need to set you up to quit for the fraction of the cost of sessions.

This easy to follow step by step approach will help you find the strength to stop smoking forever in the comfort of your home.

If anything about this sounds interesting just DM me at regression67@optusnet.com.au and let me know that your interested and I willl send you all you will need to get started.