Weight Loss Treatment

Weight Loss Treatment


Stop The Food Battle and Feel Great….. 

When you have to fight constantly fight against your subconscious mind to control your weight,

it can seem like a battle that is hard to win. 

The beautify of hypnotherapy is that it can help you control your eating in a new way.


Do you want feel more confident about your body?
Do you need help to shift those stubborn kgs?

When you subsconscious mind agrees that you need to look good and feel great,

it’s easier to control those cravings.


Hypnotherapy helps……………….. 

Hypnotherapy allows you to  harnesses the power that you hold within yourself to make changes to your life.

It is a non-surgical technique which uses the power of hypnosis to:

Retrain your mind to be satisfied with smaller portions of food

Change your attitude towards food and helps you regain control over cravings and bad habits.

Enable weight to be lost naturally and consistently without dieting.

Increase your willpower & motivation

Remove the need to deprive yourself of food you enjoy



Hypnotherapy is now recognised as one of the most effective weight loss solutions

Donna Kovacs is a clinical hypnotherapist who specializes in helping people find real solutions to their weight issues.  

If you are wanting to feel healthier, look better and live longer hypnotherapy might be just what you need.

To book a session and start your weight loss journey call Donna on 0424300678