

What do you need to cleanse your home?

We all understand the importance of personal hygiene and know that keeping a clean and tidy home can improve our state of mind. 

I wonder if you have considered how much the energy in your home is impacting you as well. 

Keeping the energy in our home and work place clear and protected is just as important for our mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing as personal hygiene.

Consider below some of the common reasons for you to carry out a cleansing ceremony in your home.

  • If you concerned about your homes energy
  • If you concerned with paranormal activity in your home
  • If you recently moved into your home and you want to freshen up the energy
  • If you often feel sad or depressed at home for no known reason
  • If you feel scared at home
  • If you sense another presence in the home
  • If a particular room feel uncomfortable to be in, or the temperature is always cooler than the other rooms
  • If you or someone else been regularly using drugs in your home

These are all examples of times when your homes energy needs to be cleared.

Smudge Kits Available

Click on the image to purchase your own smudge kit

What do you need to carry out a clearing ceremony?

I have made it easy for you to do a clearing in your own home without much effort. Once you learn the process you will be able to keep the energy in your home positive.

Smudge Kits Available in Store

  • Starter Kit includes: 1 x Medium White Sage Smudge & 1 x Natural Unpolished Abalone Shell.
  • Protection Kit includes: 1 x Small White Sage Smudge & 1 x Natural Unpolished Abalone Shell x 1 Palo Santo x 1 Black Tourmaline
  • Refill it includes: 2 x White Sage Smudge, 1 x Palo Santo
  • Abalone shell sold separately

Click and collect is available

How to create a Clearing Ceremony

Do you want to learn how to create a full shamanic clearing ceremony? To ensure your home is fully blessed then the eBook “Sacred Blessings Shamanic Clearings for your home” will give your everything you need.